Full Version: Mopar pics from Rättvik (Right Bay) cruise !
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Is the 95 sign at gas pump stand for 95 octane ?
6640]Looks ready for some racing action and I see evidence of a burnout on fender
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Is the 95 sign at gas pump stand for 95 octane ?

Yes, that is 95 octane. And we have 98 octane at some stations too.
ws27 Wrote:Thanks for all the pics Tyrra, but where is your car?

My car is parked behind me Smile But here is a pic ( i found it on the web ) that someone take on me and my son cruising around in Rättvik.6770]
Great shots!

By the way Octane is calculated differently in Europe, we use RON in Europe and US and Canada use AKI. 85 AKI is 90 RON and 91 AKI is 95 RON. SO 98 RON is 94 AKI in the US. Smile
TekHousE Wrote:Great shots!

By the way Octane is calculated differently in Europe, we use RON in Europe and US and Canada use AKI. 85 AKI is 90 RON and 91 AKI is 95 RON. SO 98 RON is 94 AKI in the US. Smile

Thanks for this information ! I didn't know that, and I have wondered how the cars can run with so low octane in the US Smile
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