Full Version: Ouch!! It was a bad night for my baby!
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Well it finally happened. 2,500 miles after my full restoration an accident!
No fault but my own and no one was hurt. TO make it kind of quick here it is.
I was working on the Coronet, the hood off and the car not running. I finished
up what I was doing so I turned the ignition to the on position by reaching through
the drivers window and then put the car in "park". I then went to the side of the drivers
fender (outside of the car) and took a screw driver to jump it off the started relay
and once I did it started and drove in reverse right through the block wall in my garage!
FUUUUUUCKK!! Status: WIFE FREAKED THE F OUT, SHE THOUGHT I WAS DEAD! The wall is gone and the Coronet only has two SMALL scratches that are very easy to fix!
I was totally shocked. But in the end thanks God no one was hurt!!! So When you think
you put it in Park double check that it didn't actually go in reverse!!!!
A long time ago I had a 69 Dart 340 4 speed. I was like 17 when this happened. The starter relay was sticking. I was at a stop light and it stalled. Got out with the hood up and did the same thing with the screwdriver - proceeded to run my foot over.......... For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

So I can relate!
I'm glad your O.K.!!
Glad everyone is OK
Remember you can always fix your car, not always yourself.

Was the neutral safety switch working?
So sorry to hear about the accident. It could have been much worse. Glad to hear no one was hurt and the car was not damaged to much. If it makes you feel better I did the same thing once before it was on a 74 dodge truck I used to have. It was in gear and I started it by jumping the relay. It started moving forward when I was standing in front of it. Luckily it was in my yard with lots of room around it and I was able to run to the drivers door and shut it off
Ya thank God my son was not behind the car he would have been killed. Don't want to
think about it. Already ordered my new stripe kit and thank God I bought an extra 1/2
gallon of paint. So it should be fixed in a couple of weeks.
Wow, glad you're ok. I had a friend who was pinned against a wall that way. He ended up in the hospital with a broken hip.
Sorry to hear about your car being damaged, but like everybody else has said, glad to hear that nobody was injured. How much work will you have to repair the garage structure?

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