Full Version: Door lock Knobs, how to remove on 67 Coronet??
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OK, I checked the Service manual, nothing mentioned about how to get these door lock knobs off.

I have new ones and they do not seem to have a thread, so does anyone know the procedure?
They unscrew. Pull up as you unscrew them.

I have seen new ones with no thread. Not sure if you just thread them on and make the threads or if there is some other plan.
Thanks. SO the rods must be self tapping..Thanks for the info..I will try tomorrow.
Hello Zoran,

How did your new door lock knobs turn out?

Perfect Richard..I was a little apprehensive at first, the rods are self tapping, so getting old ones off takes some effort..Feels like you are going to break something..Luckily I didn't. Smile
Good to hear that they turned out well, one less thing to worry about! Smile
