Full Version: Grey caulk/seam sealer on roof rail bends?
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Working on those the last couple days cleaning them up and removing the old seals. On the side that has the thin foam gasket they is a grey caulk that the factory put at the sharp bends. Looks like it is to seal the voids in the channel itself. It is on the side that touches the roof. It was applied before the foam was glued to the rail. It also had a string impregnated in it as if to aid in pulling it off of a roll. Anyone ever seen this stuff? It's grey in color. I may use just the plain black 3M strip if all else fails.
Was it brushed on or is it a tape?
Most likely a tape. As I stated it is impregnated with a string probably for pulling it from a roll.
I used foam from Home Depot. I'm not sure if there is any direct replacement for the grey stuff. Keep in mind, the string could be asbestos, it was used in many thing you wouldn't even think of.

Try using butyl or windshield caulk instead.