Full Version: rally dash medallion
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The 68 rally dash, which is the only one with a ribbed surface, has a rectangular hole above and in between the speedo and clock. There are 3 different medallions - an RT, fratzhog, and "target", made to plug into this hole. The 69 and 70 pebble finish dashes have a round hole there. I see medallions sold for the 68, but not the others. Were medallions made for 69 and 70 dashes, or was the round hole just left uncovered? The 68 medallions won't fit on the other 2 because the 4 hooks on the back that hold it in the rectangular hole won't fit in the round hole.
Isn't there anyone out there with a 69 or 70 rally dash who can tell me if it has a medallion on it?
My brothers 1970 Charger R/T does not have one. All the 69 and 70 I have seen do not have them.
As for my brothers car, it is a 100% matching numbers car and he is extremely anal so I would say no.
But I could be wrong.
Thanks for the info.