Full Version: Removing stuck manifold on 1976
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I am stripping down my 1976 360 engine (first time), and I am stuck - literally. I've got all 12 bolts out, 6 per side, and everything else is off the manifold. The thing won't budge. I've tried a mallet, hitting with a hammer with a wood block in between, soaked it in PB Blaster, and tried to go around with a putty knife. I can get the putty knife completely in on the front side, but the gasket in all other sides is like the block and manifold are welded together. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated - I'm getting close to giving it up.

On a side note - I tried to take off the distributor to get a better view of the rear of the manifold, and I basically took everything apart and still couldn't get the distributor off the shaft. Haynes manual said to remove a screw and pull up - my so much. Anyone have some advice?
This might sound dumb but make sure the valve covers are removed before trying to remove the intake. I always use a pry bar under the bypass hose fitting to remove stuck SB intakes.
Yup - valve covers removed. I've tried the pry bar under the the pipe fitting at the front of the intake (I think that is the bypass hose). I also got a suggestion to try prying from the carb holes but that makes me pretty nervous.
Can you turn the distributor? You should be able to rotate it an pull it up and out. I've dismantled many small blocks and have never had one I could not get apart. Don't be afraid to really pry hard on the bypass hose fitting on the front it would take quite a bit to break it.