Full Version: Coronets heart is broken!
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Well after a short visit with my buddy who changed my oil pan and gasket he called me in for a meeting. Well he then proceeded to show me the
left side of the block had a crack in it. I cried and then had a few Beers.
My brother then looks at me and tells me no big deal it can be fixed.
Still I said no POS anything can be fixed but I still have to explain it to my wife!!! It is barely leaking. as a matter of fact when he showed me it wasn't leaking at all! I think I may drive her for the summer and then pull the engine to get it fixed this winter. So does anyone have an opinion on this or some advice? Thanks!!! Oh it is in the water jacket not an oil leak just antifreeze.
Are you sure it is a crack and not a casting flaw? They can fool you sometimes. Seems if you had a crack it would be leaking unless there is stop leak plugging it.

Get pics if you can.

Any warranty left?
I'm sure it is a crack. I can see where some of the antifreeze leaked out. I am pulling the engine and going to have a guy in medfield fix
it. He does cold stitching and ive heard hes the best. The bad part is not being able to drive it for a bit but I'd rather have it for the rest
of the summer and not worry about it. It did have a warranty but the guy is a pain in the ass. So it is only going to cost me my labor to pull it and a couple hundred to stitch the block. Then have to put it back in the car. PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!
That's too bad. Are you pulling it out yourself?
Yes, take your time and get it fixed right and then you can enjoy!
Rich, I am. U coming to help? ? Ha ha.
Warhawkfight34 Wrote:Rich, I am. U coming to help? ? Ha ha.
You don't want me taking it out, I took Jim's 318 out last year and it's still on the stand. LOL

Soon though.