Full Version: Ya know..sometimes I wonder
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So I went to Advanced Auto parts to pick up a Master Cylinder bench bleeding kit. I had to get brake fluid anyway so I figured I'd get the kit rather than making one. Online, it said they had one in stock. Couldn't find it in the store so I asked the kid at the counter. Big mistake, I shoulda left it alone.

me: Do you have a master cylinder bench bleeding kit?
him: Master cylinder for what?
Me: Master cylinder for brakes.
him: What's it called, again?
me: A master cylinder bench bleeding kit?
him: how do you bleed a bench? (honest...he said that)
me: bleed the master cylinder on the get the air out of it
him: What's it look like?
me:two tubes with fittings for the master cylinder ports and it has a clip to hold the tubes so they point back into the reservoirs
( I really had him confused now )
him: ummm...what kind of car?
me: it doesn't matter. They work for any master cylinder
him: well, it should be with the brake fluid and stuff
me: Thanks...I'll just take the brake fluid and WD-40
go in and ask him for a set of points and condensor for your car and watch the deer in the headlights look come over his face..
If its not in the computer they can't figure it out, It is hard to find a good old counter man who knows his parts manuals
Yes, happens to me all the time!
Good older parts people are a dying breed. I have had similar experiences with the 'newer' counter persons. SIGH.....
I hate new parts stores. They just ahve kids off the streets. I showed them a Keystone clamp for a fuel line and he looked at it like it was an alien. I told him what it was for and he handed me a regular hose clamp! Like I always say, you can't fix stupid!
Our local auto parts store counter people know it all! Just ask them. They tell me they have the right part, I'm just working on the wrong car!
I've been buying more parts on line to avoid strangling the local counter people. If I order from Summit, the parts are at my house the next day before I get home from work.