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Hi guys, I'm the process of shipping a 1969 Super Bee to the UK. You will probably see a lot more of me when it's actually parked outside my house ☺ Steve
Welcome Britbee, do you have any pictures you can share?
From one Steve to another, Welcome!!
Hi and Welcome to the site Steve !
welcome aboard ...
Thanks guys I'll post a pic when I can work out how lol
Hi guys, just a quick one. I've just been looking at pics of the super bee I'm in the process of importing. On a pic of the underside of the engine looking toward the back of the car, I've just noticed what appears to be a chain bolted to the underside of the k member running up into the engine bay? ? Is this meant to be there? ��
Old school way of keeping the torque of the engine from breaking engine mounts

Not original but worked if thats what your describing
Ah rite I thought it was something like that but didn't expect it to look so 'old skooll' thanks for the info at least I'll still be able to get it through a test then ☺
Welcome, seems DCR is growing in England.
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