Full Version: Extra wheel opening molding screws?
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This has puzzled us since we bought the car. Why would someone add two more screw holes right next to the original ones? This was on an original untouched fender. The holes appear to have been punched not drilled. That alone is a feat due since the molding is stainless and the fender is old fashioned thick! There appears to have been a screw at one time in the original holes by marks in the molding. The original stamped holes are in the fender and line up with the factory holes in the molding. 60's fluke?
Our car had extra speakers in the doors and guess where they punched the hole for the speaker wire in the pillar.... right through the center of the VIN plate! WHY not move up or down a couple inches???
Another fluke was the antenna cable was punched through the firewall and inner fender to reach the fender. There was a rubber plug in the pillar where the antenna was supposed to be routed.
Certain plants punched antenna hole like that, I had a Satellite like that. Is your car an LA plant ?

Rich should chime in here since told me about it.
Our car was built at Lynch Rd.
Most likely the trim came off another car and someone drilled the extra holes. Have you ever installed a used wheel opening molding? They never fit the new fender the way they fit the old, you are always bending and twisting them. If there are not two screw holes in the fender then they/it came from another car. Don't forget, a lot can happen to these old cars over the years, let alone the first few years in normal service.

Not sure why the antenna wire was punched through in the wrong place, but I bet the car was a radio delete car and that spot was the easiest to punch through with the car totally assembled (vs at the factory when the dash and fender are not in the way)