Full Version: Trick to install the dreaded lower dash bezels
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So this morning I spent 35 minutes trying to install 1 (one) of the screws that hold the lower dash bezel in. I don't believe a hobbit could put them all in. I suppose at the factory these go on before the instrument panel, radio etc.

In my case that stuff needed to be there to be wired and I wasn't taking it out.

After pondering it for a while I came up with a plan and off to the auto parts store I went. I bought some of those plastic push in rivets and altered them.

Cut the head off them. Trimmed them so they fit in the bezel screw hole. then 2 part epoxied them in.

Something is going to give if I have to get them back out but that shouldn't be for a while. Knock on wood.

I had to drop the steering column and loosen the inst cluster but that was way faster than trying to squeeze screws in from the back side.