Full Version: RedLine Dog Dish Restoration
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I thought I'd share the best way to date I have figured out how to restore a Redline Dog Dish.

This isn't perfect, not for the faint of heart and I don't recommend trying it on a cap that is worth anything to you.

First step was to find the deep scratches and dents. They show up after hitting an area with 220 wet sanding paper.

Then I gently tap out the dent from the back side.

Once the dents and deep scratches are gone using 220 I move on to 500, 1200,1500 then 2000 grit. After that its White rouge on a sisal wheel.

(More to follow. This is tough with pics they dont upload so easy)

This picture show scratches after buffing. This is because I did not remove all the scratches with one grit sand paper before moving to the next. Back to the bench and 1500 Grit.

I won't get into how to polish stainless. Lots of You Tube info on that.
During the polishing I burnt the paint off the red Circle and the black between the fins.

The circle was easy. A guy on Ebay sells stickers. The black fins where the killer. I tried a sharpie (don't bother) tried taping them off to spray. Yea Right! tried painting them and wiping the tops of the fins quickly to remove the paint. Wasn't happening. I even bought paint pens and tried them. Notta.

The trick is to paint the whole area then remove the paint from the top of the fins with super fine steel wool after it has dried.

Taped off With Electrical tape
Trim with a good sharp Xacto Knife
Tape everything else off

Paint and let it dry.
Then Gently buff the fins with fine steel wool. Working across the fins. It looks uneven at first but the more you polish the better it gets.

It's not perfect but its as close as I've come to it so far.
Still needs more detail work in the pics but you get the drift.
Beware. Its a boat load of wet sanding, polishing, taping. cutting, and polishing again.

All for a cap no one is going to notice. Sad
Nice tips Bill

Thank you
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