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[You guys have me busted! LOL Ma Mopar put 440 Magnum badges on 67 Chargers, but not R/T's. I always liked the look, so I added them when I painted the car in "88. I got called out on them once years ago by an older guy that knew the cars too!
QUOTE=ws27;1211]Andy, nope, you're not partial.

Steve thought it was a Hemi bacause the only RT to come through with engine name plates would have been the Hemi. Get your reading glasses out Steve.

Like the car,[/QUOTE]
Big Bad Dad Wrote:[You guys have me busted! LOL Ma Mopar put 440 Magnum badges on 67 Chargers, but not R/T's. I always liked the look, so I added them when I painted the car in "88. I got called out on them once years ago by an older guy that knew the cars too!
QUOTE=ws27;1211]Andy, nope, you're not partial.

Steve thought it was a Hemi bacause the only RT to come through with engine name plates would have been the Hemi. Get your reading glasses out Steve.

Like the car,
[/QUOTE] Nobody gives us "old people" a break!!!!
I am not Worthy
Welcome back!2 cool cars
Love that R/T
Welcome back!!! (immediately that song for Welcome Back Kotter pops in my head... yo! Vinnie!!)

I am really liking the FURY!!! (BTW, it's the only car mentioned in the Bible "and God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden in a Fury..." LOL)
welcome aboard ....
I'm liking that R/T mate!
Welcome back good to see helped me once w/some info on air shocks I wanted to put on my 67...still workin on it by the way.ha,ha.your R/T has that perfect ride height..nice cars..very nice..take care and God Bless..Bear R.-
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