02-17-15, 02:41 PM
Been working on the board today Below are some changes made:
Changes made:
1) Made new uploader available for pictures when using Quick Reply. (Someone patched the version that was no longer supported by Vbulletin). You can now select mutiple images to upload.
NOTE: You may need to clear your browser cache to use the new image uploader, and you cannot upload multiple files with IE9 or below. IE10 and up, Firefox, Chrome seem to work ok.
2) Double size of files to be uploaded.
3) Doubled the amount of images and video's that can be uploaded in a single post.
4) Doubled amount of PM's that can be stored.
5) Re-enabled Quick-Reply (Rich can do his Snoopy dance now
6) Removed the restriction on replying to For Sale and Cars/Parts wanted section. Just keep it civil. We all won't agree on the price someone wants for their cars/parts, so please don't berate the seller in the ad.
Changes coming:
1) Bring back the photo albums so they aren't restricted to a users profile. (At the very least, I'll create a section to put links to users profile albums). *DONE*
2) Go to a single color format. Currently we have 4 color themes to the site. (Default, Plum Crazy, Sublime, Torred). Very hard to maintain, as a change to how items are displayed need to be changed across all 4. The default will be Torred. *DONE*
3) Find a cheap (ie free) chat program to set up for those that want to use it. The one that was there seemed to work ok, I'd like to find one that won't hit the wallet too bad.
4) Change the human verification process when signing up to an easier (some say) one. The current one requires some knowledge of Coronets to answer. It will also allow me to change the default page some.
5) Develop mobile app for forum. (Sorry all, Vbulletin has changed their licensing for this, this is a very expensive upgrade now. So we won't be enabling this.).
What we need from you:
1) Participate. See a cool car? Take a picture of it and talk about it. Doing something different to your car? Write something up. Have a tech question? Ask it. You'll never get the "what are you a dumbass?" answer like you do on other sites. Find a good deal on a aftermarket part or something that's being re-popped? Let us know.
2) Need a volunteer to resurrect the Coronet of the Month. What we'd like is someone to find different cars, and post a poll of them for the members here to vote on. The winning car would get picked as COTM. To keep it interesting, the volunteer should pick a different theme each month. 1 month it could be A12 Bee's, the next, the early year cars, the following driver's. They don't have to be members cars either, find some online and use them.
3) People to help get the word out. We get a lot of new members at Carlisle because they see the tent, and ask questions about it. But because we can't afford to pay for Search Engine Ranking, we don't appear until Page 2 when doing a Google search). If fliers are created, are people willing to print one out and put it on their dashboard if they take their car to a show?
Changes made:
1) Made new uploader available for pictures when using Quick Reply. (Someone patched the version that was no longer supported by Vbulletin). You can now select mutiple images to upload.
NOTE: You may need to clear your browser cache to use the new image uploader, and you cannot upload multiple files with IE9 or below. IE10 and up, Firefox, Chrome seem to work ok.
2) Double size of files to be uploaded.
3) Doubled the amount of images and video's that can be uploaded in a single post.
4) Doubled amount of PM's that can be stored.
5) Re-enabled Quick-Reply (Rich can do his Snoopy dance now

6) Removed the restriction on replying to For Sale and Cars/Parts wanted section. Just keep it civil. We all won't agree on the price someone wants for their cars/parts, so please don't berate the seller in the ad.
Changes coming:
1) Bring back the photo albums so they aren't restricted to a users profile. (At the very least, I'll create a section to put links to users profile albums). *DONE*
2) Go to a single color format. Currently we have 4 color themes to the site. (Default, Plum Crazy, Sublime, Torred). Very hard to maintain, as a change to how items are displayed need to be changed across all 4. The default will be Torred. *DONE*
3) Find a cheap (ie free) chat program to set up for those that want to use it. The one that was there seemed to work ok, I'd like to find one that won't hit the wallet too bad.
4) Change the human verification process when signing up to an easier (some say) one. The current one requires some knowledge of Coronets to answer. It will also allow me to change the default page some.
5) Develop mobile app for forum. (Sorry all, Vbulletin has changed their licensing for this, this is a very expensive upgrade now. So we won't be enabling this.).
What we need from you:
1) Participate. See a cool car? Take a picture of it and talk about it. Doing something different to your car? Write something up. Have a tech question? Ask it. You'll never get the "what are you a dumbass?" answer like you do on other sites. Find a good deal on a aftermarket part or something that's being re-popped? Let us know.
2) Need a volunteer to resurrect the Coronet of the Month. What we'd like is someone to find different cars, and post a poll of them for the members here to vote on. The winning car would get picked as COTM. To keep it interesting, the volunteer should pick a different theme each month. 1 month it could be A12 Bee's, the next, the early year cars, the following driver's. They don't have to be members cars either, find some online and use them.
3) People to help get the word out. We get a lot of new members at Carlisle because they see the tent, and ask questions about it. But because we can't afford to pay for Search Engine Ranking, we don't appear until Page 2 when doing a Google search). If fliers are created, are people willing to print one out and put it on their dashboard if they take their car to a show?