Whilst playing around under my dash a bracket fell out that appears to have been floating around there for some time!
Can anyone tell me what it's for and where it goes?
I completely tore down my dash, took it out of the car, sandblasted it, painted it, and never saw anything like that. Are there any numbers stamped into it? Back in the day, when quality was an unknown word at the big three, lots of things were left in every nook and cranny of cars "accidentilly". I am very curious to see if anyone recognises this thing.
Those did not originally come from your dash. Those are part of a universal battery hold kit.
theman440 Wrote:Those did not originally come from your dash. Those are part of a universal battery hold kit.
I knew I'd seen those before somewhere haha
Jeff gets the Sherlock Holms award of the week!
Nice work, and quick!
I guess I can safely bin it then
I found the corner of my A pillar trim in my dash.. lol.. just the little corner..so it was reunited with the other trim awhile back