Full Version: Almost done detailing the engine bay. Heres some updated pics.
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So I got my new chrysler plug wires, oe valve covers (others were wrong year),
date coded coil, newly painted coil bracket, new plug wire holders, new pcv valve and hose.
Still some small things to do but almost there.545054515452
Nice and tidy
Man that looks sweet,hope your gonna drive it every weekend!!!!!!
Looks awesome. Todd, we're in New England, where you can look at your car 8 months a year and drive it for 4!

You should see the road salt now, my truck is looks like pig pen driving down the street. YUCK!
Beautiful beautiful beautiful....

(check the routing on your heater hoses)
I don't remember, was this a clone or real car??
WOW Looks great !
That is nice - are you using a points distributor?
Racer Brown Wrote:I don't remember, was this a clone or real car??

Original A12 cars had a 26" radiator
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