Full Version: Keep loosing what I type.
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Either I must type extremely slow, or a time limit is put on how long you stay logged on. Three times I have tried to post a decent size paragraph, when I click on post It dissapears and says I am not logged in, urghh. Its a bummer!!:mad:
When you log in, do you put a check mark in the "Remember Me" section under your login name?
Yea, I've had that trouble before, lengthy privite messages, Richard's vidios and music, not too bad now, I'm "peeking" much faster now!!WOW
thats odd, the new forum has auto save (it should flash auto-saved in the right corner and you type)
Piper Wrote:thats odd, the new forum has auto save (it should flash auto-saved in the right corner and you type)
Oh, that's what that is? I had no idea, I'm such a computer person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never have clicked on remember me before, I know mopars not computers! Thank you for the help.