I am pretty sure the "buzzer" on the fuse box is for noisemaker that indicated you had left the key in the ignition when you opened the door.
As near as I can tell, the flasher is not mounted on the fuse box.
I just had another thought. if you find the plug for the turn signal flasher and you put a jumper wire between the 2 holes in the plug all lights should turn on , but not blink. Use a pretty good gage (diameter) wire, and don't leave it plugged in too long. If your so inclined an even better way is to use a 10 amp fuse with jumpers attached to each end, and then if you have a short in the wiring, the fuse will blow instead of smoking any wires (I hate that smell for a few different reasons).
Just to clarify, when the jumper is in place, on the right or left lamps will be lit (the key must be on and the turn signal lever turned on one way or the other). So if you have the turn signal lever in the left turn position, the left hand lights will be on but won't blink.
For some reason the 72 wiring diagram only shows the color of one wire leading to it, but the 73 shows a red and a black wire, as does my 68 FSM, so I'm pretty sure that is what you need to find.
Thank you thank you! This is all excellent information. I'll definitely use a fuse as I don't want to cause any more issues. I'm not seeing any other plugs up in there and I don't think it has the rear speaker package. As far as I can tell it's just one speaker in the center and I know where that plug is(the original radio is out but I have it to put back in some day). I'll look more closely for the possibility of speakers having been in there at some point. You'll see in a few of the pictures there is a mysterious yellow crimp cap in the background with 3 wires going into it and spliced together very terribly. I wonder if this is where the plug used to be.
Are two of the wires colored black and red? If so that's probably your junction. Some accessory wires were included in all the harnesses, and if that particular accessory was not ordered on that car, the wires just sat there, unconnected. If you can't located that plug for the flasher, somebody did some jury rigging. The most likely location would be under the instrument panel, behind the lower part of the dash, between the steering column and the radio. Iam not trying to insult you, but sometimes the most likely cause of a problem is overlooked. Have you checked the turn signal fuse. Take it out and check it for continuity (you'll need a multimeter) , or take it out and just replace it. Sometimes they can look good to the eye, but actually be bad.
I just did some continuity checks on my dash harness (which is out of the car). The black wire shows continuity to a black wire that is one of several that plug into the headlight switch. The red red wire shows continuity with the red wire that is part of the connector at the bottom of the steering column. This is the connector that goes through the steering column and is attached to the turn signal cam switch. So the black wire should show 12 volts present any time your key is turned on. The voltage will not flow through the flasher until the turn signal lever is in the left or right turn positions. Now granted I am working on a 68 with rally gauges, but I would bet after looking at your 72 wiring diagram and my 68 there should be no difference.
Anything is possible when youv'e had someone messing with wiring, but it is not logical that the wires that are sloppily put together to be the wires that would have gone to the turn signal flasher. because twisting them together would be the equivalent of running a jumper at the flasher plug. You would then have steady lights when the key was on and the turn signal lever activated.
Anything is possible when youv'e had someone messing with wiring, but it is not logical that the wires that are sloppily put together to be the wires that would have gone to the turn signal flasher. because twisting them together would be the equivalent of running a jumper at the flasher plug. You would then have steady lights when the key was on and the turn signal lever activated.I would try following the red wire from the steering column connector away from the steering wheel. I know sometimes those wires are wrapped in a plastic tape, but it's worth a try