Full Version: Newb from N.J. 65 coronet
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Hi all
Just picked up a 65 coronet was a 6cyl 3spd now has a 440 4spd 8 ¾ rear. Last owner put in big block k frame & wheel well headers. The last owner had dual quads on the car because I found an old for sale write up in the trunk & it was listed but I didn’t get any of that with the purchase . I would like to do a cross ram dual quad set up, any advice on that would be great.
Can anyone tell me are any other years bucket seats that will be correct for my car. I think the 63,64 polara & fury look similar to what I’ve seen in pictures on my 65.

Thank for any help
Joe welcome to the club what part of the garden state are you located in?
Morris county
uh oh... it's getting mighty crowded up north now...

Rockaway here..
Welcome to the club, nice 66.
ws27 Wrote:Welcome to the club, nice 66.

Hi and Welcome to the site !
welcome to the site
That looks like a fun car Joe

Welcome, I do like the 65's!!
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