Full Version: It's about time!
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Butter or cheese?
67440Dodge Wrote:Good point.. Ask Mike at BEA why they aren't re-popping our stuff, but they do for others..

I have and he says it's because E-body and later B-body folks spend money when their parts are repoped.............

67440Dodge Wrote:Butter or cheese?

Butter with my popcorn please.

I was just watching and laughing that's all.
Laughing because you own most of the NOS stock left in the world? Smile
Give me time, I'm working on it!
ws27 Wrote:Give me time, I'm working on it!

You have a little way to go yet before you have it ALL my friend............Wink

theman440 Wrote:Looks like somebody is re-popping the '66-'67 B-body vent cables. Found this in EBAY. Dante's is selling them.

Has anyone here tried these vent cables yet? I need a drivers side on a customer car `67 500
They looked to be of good quality when I saw em at the vendor booths at Carlisle last year.
I ordered one so I will report in
Update: vent cable for drivers side #FP315 fit nice.
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