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Just wondering if anyone here had ideas on what santa(themselves or significant others) was going to get them for Christmas?
I think Santa is going to bring me a new six pack set of carbs! but after Santa is done delivering to all the good boys and girls so it wont happen until January.
Getting my 440 project done this summer was my Xmas present in advance, I think I have used up next years Xmas present on various things also
Nothing here, no money, Andy knows!!
I wants a new street/strip car................
My trip to the US on December the 12th Smile
Money for the trip to Carlisle in July!
When Santa asked, I said "Another Coronet!" (Yes, I've got the bug bad....). Santa's look suggested that ain't gonna happen. So, a rebuild kit for my carburetor and a portable air compressor will make me very happy. Btw, anyone got a portable air compressor they really like? I am looking at the Viair models currently.
Look underneath the compressor at the tank. You'll find a tag showing the manufacturer of it. Most consumer level compressors (Sears, HomeDespot, Lowes, etc) are made by the same manufacturer.
Think I used up all next years Xmas gift so I will call this two years from now gift to Lauri and myself.

I bought a `67 Dart GT 273 4bbl auto today. Looks like a/c p/s console, light package, Bronze metalic w/ white top so far . Don't know if it runs or not yet just super solid couldn't pass it up and comes with all new legendary interior not installed looks kinda pearl white in wrapper. All trim is in trunk thank GOD

Straight to the car wash I go cause its dirty
A few more and you're going to be as bad as me!

What's up with the Plymouth?
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