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Thats My Philosophy.
Hello From Moss Point Mississippi.
Waiting on My 4 Door 1965 440. Should be on the transport today (3/11/14)
Thats Right. 4 Door. Slow and Steady, Steady and Slow.
It is Pretty Much All Original except for oil and air in the tires. Has the 318 Poly Engine.
I owned one just like it 33 years ago. Paid $300 for it , sold it for $75.
Plan on keeping it Simple. With just alittle bit of the "Wow what kinda car was that" factor thrown in.
I am not really a fix er upper kinda person but plan on becoming one.
Hope to tap into everones knowledge on here and Thanks in advance.
if anyone could throw me some usefull web sites , i would appreciate that also.
Welcome John, there are lots of people here who can help you. Get us some pics when it arrives.
Welcome John
Welcome to the site!!
Howdy John from western Canada! Sounds like a neat car and yes, you came to the right place for advice and encouragement too. Enjoy your stay on the site! We also like to have fun here and it gets really interesting and funny as well. Watch out for the dreaded 'YELLOW SCREEN' that one of our esteemed members likes to assault our eyes with. You'll get to know what I mean if and when it happens again, right Richard, and I know you are reading this! Again, welcome
welcome! there is nothing wrong with a 4 door!
Welcome to the site !
Hi John.

I have a 65 4 door 440 with the 6 cylinder. I am in same boat as you as far as fixer upper but am ~3 month ahead of you on purchase. I just posted over on the "General Discussion" section some pictures of the rear package tray install I did yesterday. Glad to help if I can.
