Full Version: 67 Coronet wagon on Craigslist
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Pages: 1 2
67440Dodge Wrote:Is that the PC term for "rusted to all hell"?

Not a PC term, just a coping term.

But you did get the idea. LOL
I love the color combo
This falls into the "If I had the room" category...
67440Dodge Wrote:This falls into the "If I had the room" category...

What does having room have to do with anything?
I'd have to store it in your garage..

No wait.. your place has the motto of "Wagons check in, but they don't check out..."
67440Dodge Wrote:I'd have to store it in your garage..

No wait.. your place has the motto of "Wagons check in, but they don't check out..."

RoflRoflRoflRofl.....thanks Mike, I needed a good laugh today! Everybody except Jim is probably laughing at that statement!

It's leaving soon. (said with a high pitched voice)!

Just can't get the time to get the engine together.

And it isn't leaving in the same condition as it went in either!

BTW, it's new name is Pig. Not "The Pig", just Pig.
I really need room for another LOL

It should be picked up this week too.
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