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I don't know anything about these just saw it and hear you guys needing some
Haven't seen them in person. I was contacted over at FBBO about them. I think the guy couldn't find a good set for himself, so he started making them.

I'd love to hear about their quality.

Thank Andy.
He posted on here awhile back about them..
Interesting. A part that many convertible owners need, but I'd think that you'd need a pretty nice set of the original panels to make the reproduction parts. He also doesn't mention any prices.

Those panels are for '68-'70 cars. The guy who is reproducing them is out of Florida, maybe this guy bought them from the guy in FL. He just got done with the '66-'67 repops, I will be sending a check for a set maybe tomorrow.
theman440 Wrote:Those panels are for '68-'70 cars. The guy who is reproducing them is out of Florida, maybe this guy bought them from the guy in FL. He just got done with the '66-'67 repops, I will be sending a check for a set maybe tomorrow.

I hope there nice for you
I'm not an expert on the convertible models, but I was wondering about this sellers claim that the rear panels are the same for all 1966 through 1970 Dodge and Plymouth models.

I'll be interested in hearing your review of these parts after you receive them Jeff.

They are NOT the same. The 66-67 panels have the big round courtesy lights in them. They are the same as the console lights in your 500. Also the top edge (where the panel meets the window is different and the armrests are different. I'll keep everybody in the loop on the quality of them.
Thanks Jeff.

Jeff, do you mind if I ask you how much?
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