Full Version: 1968 Coronet RT
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Hey everyone I'm looking for the dodge lettering for the rear tail panel of my 68 rt. I'm having a hard time finding it, anyone have any suggestions ? Thanks
Welcome to the site, Firestone collectibles used to make them. Call them and see.
Glad you found us!!
Hi, I spent 4 months tracking down a good 2nd hand set for my 68 R/T, rare as rocking horse s**t! I eventually found them at a place called RT Restorations in Canada, but his email address doesn't work any more.
Welcome to the site !
Thanks for the warm welcome. I looked at Firestone collectibles and they don't have it. Any other suggestions?
Try contacting Michel at RT Restoration in Canada. I bought my letters from him earlier this year, but when I tried to email him later it kept bouncing back! They are hard to find!
Thanks for your help. I've been looking on eBay they have every emblem you can think of except the one I need.WOW
I know, that's why it took me months! I almost got a set from RK Motors, paid thru Paypal and then they were unavailable? Go figure!
Well I appreciate all your help.
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