Full Version: 68 coronet delux
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A friend of mine found a 68 coronet delux at a garage sale today
He thought I may be interested and I am
But I don't know anything about this model
What he told me was that it was in pretty good shape, but needed quarter panels, trunk floor and a good paint job
The owner said that he was diving it up to two years ago and that he has the sheet goods to replace these area's
Plus other parts. He said the trunk was excellent
273 motor, 2B carb., auto on tree, bench seat, vinyl top
He didn't ask if it was a numbers car
The owner is restoring a coronet R/T and doesn't need the delux
I'm going to look at it in the morning
Does any one know any thing about this model?
He's asking $3,900
It's the cheaper model, still cool since it's a CoronetSmile , price sounds high though needing quarters
Good thing about a 68 is the 1/4's and trunk are available from Goodmark.

IF the frame rails are in good shape, and the rest of the car is decent, it might be worth snagging.

Vinyl top on a Deluxe? wonder if it was added later on or were they available on 68's that far down the trim line?
Vinyl top was an option.

I saw this one last year. It was a very basic car. 273 3 on the tree. No radio. Nice to see that not all of them 'have' to be Bee or R/T clones.
That is a sweet car
Thanks for your input
I'll let you know what I find
my friend has a 68 deluxe 4 door, black w/blue interior, /6 3 on the tree. no radio, carpet or any other options.
As usual, the car was in worst shape than I expected.
The owner claimed to have all the parts needed for restoration
With out getting into detail, to me, it's just too much work and cost to put into a 1 of 45,000 produced
I'm not saying that it might not make a good project for someone, just not me.
If any one is interested in this car, PM me and I will fill you in on the condition of the car and contact info. of the owner.
Thanks to all who posted a reply
Like on that pinks show song " walk away"
"Step away from the car with your hands up"

Oh, wait, that was from last night. LOL
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