Full Version: After 20yrs finally painted...
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Here are a couple of pictures of my dad's car. It started as a mostly original paint car (rt door and qtr repaired early in its life). That repaint was dying and we originally was going to just re-spray the right side. Well that's when I first started working for my dad at his collision shop and I had a lot more time. One thing led to another and the car wound up on a rotisserie. Repairing cars on a daily basis makes staying after 5 tough. Well we all know what happens then. Car sat. Last 10 years I slowly got the body ready for paint and then it sat for the last 3 years. Finally after much prodding from our paint salesman I locked in a week to paint the car. My dad used to do show cars years ago and spray all of them himself. At his age now it would've been an overwhelming project. I knew I was the only one capable of doing it and wanted to do it as his son. So with the help of a couple guys (THANKS Ray,Jim&Tom!)I basically painted the car myself. For a guy that's only sprayed a couple hoods, trunks and bumpers in all my years it came out pretty damn nice! Dad is smiling and that's all that counts! Got lots if work sandin/rubbin yet but as the Johnny Cash song goes..One Piece at a Time!
This went down the week before Labor Day. Just gettin around to postin about it. Never thought I'd see the day!
That is really beautiful...I hope when I have the cash down the road, that my 67 looks that Coronet is the same color as your car. Definitely keep us updated on your progress.

Also, where are you located and would you want to spray another car? ;-)
Looks awesome!
Beautiful! Hope mine looks that good when it gets painted!
One of my favorite colors, 88-1, Bright Blue Mettalic!!
Wowzerz looks sweet
Like a piece of candy!
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