Full Version: Painting chrome-taillights & finish panel
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We had the taillights and trunk panel done and wondering how to prep the chrome for paint. This is just the silver and black accents between the 1,000 fins of a '67. Where the factory stuff chipped off it looks like they just sprayed it. For simple accent trim would it be fine to just go over the chrome? I've heard a light scuff and Bulldog but seeing how intricate this is I don't think that's feasible.
If the chrome is fresh, clean it first with a good automotive paint brand wax and grease remover like PPG DX 330, spend about six hours taping off the approximately 125 raised fins and the raised borders with some 1/8 inch blue 3M fine line tape, then after its taped off lightly but thoroughly scuff all the spots you want to paint with a red scotch brite pad. For best results on the black use either PPG or Duponts' hot rod black slightly over reduced to achieve the thin(crappy) look the factory had. You can also use rust oleum satin black if you are on a budget (but just fog it on- hold the can back about 2 ft ), I recommend using a spray bomb silver (again real light because the factory didn't put much on either). It will stick, I did one in 1999 with no problems yet.
Cool that was the thinking here.
Any idea on what silver to use? The grille uses a different silver than the taillights have. We have an NOS grille surround and tail lamp and the finishes differ slightly-grille has a texture and the tailamp is smooth slightly darker silver. Gonna roll with the textured silver on the tailamps since its such a small area and so they match the grilles. I'm sure on the NOS ones we have it was just a different supplier painting each. The texture is very fine and could probably be reproduced by purposely dry spraying it.
67-500, you've got that just about perfectly summed up. I met someone at Carlilse that said there were 129 lines. LOL. Even I've never counted them.

Only thing I might add is to use argent silver to give it the right texture. Any satin black will work just fine too.

Good luck!

Oh, and can we see pictures too. We love pics!
If you are using a spray bomb, go with Rust Oleum silver; it's an enamel so it stays wet longer and will level out better without getting too much texture. Otherwise I would use something like PPG's DBC basecoat in a silver metallic; it will hold up without clear on it. In both cases remember to hold the gun (or can) quite a bit away and just fog it on. I was probably that guy at Carlisle!
67-500 Wrote:If you are using a spray bomb, go with Rust Oleum silver; it's an enamel so it stays wet longer and will level out better without getting too much texture. Otherwise I would use something like PPG's DBC basecoat in a silver metallic; it will hold up without clear on it. In both cases remember to hold the gun (or can) quite a bit away and just fog it on. I was probably that guy at Carlisle!

We met this year and talked about you or your wife counting them. Glad you are here. You've got a beautiful car, could you share some pics with the rest of the bunch? I'm sure they'd love to see it.
67 finish panals are very time consuming, just take YOUR time!!
Well the tail lights and finish panel are done! DAMN what a chore. Paint don't like chrome no matter what! I 400 grit sanded a couple easy areas. The rest is fingers crossed!52055206
Wow.. that is amazing looking..
WOW is right! That looks great.
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