Ive looked around and it seems no one has door skins for 67 (I guess 66 too for that matter) Coronets. Im trying to gather the pieces I need this winter to work on the car next year and possibly have all the bodywork/paint done and instead of paying for lots of labor and rust repair on the driver's door skin, I figured I would just try to find a good repop or the like.
I've come up empty handed. Any suggestions? Am I going to just have to pay for fabrication work?
There are pretty much no repop outer panels available for our cars. AMD sells almost everything for the underside of the car, but there is no love for the 66-67 B-bodies. Simply not enough made/interest. You will have to either repair what you've got, or find good used.
If you decide to replace the doors, 66-67 Plymouth Belvedere doors are the same as Coronets.
Good Luck!
FYI - 66 and 67 doors are different and the difference can be painful DAMHIK! The trim that holds the door panel in place had a clip in 66 and was screwed in place for a 67. Easy to make a 67 door fit a 66 by drilling the clip holes, but I have not found a reasonable way to make a 66 door fit a 67 molding. The screw holes in the 67 doors are countersunk and that is the difficult part to deal with.
Some 66's came with that trim piece slipped on to the top of the door panel. Never could find a pattern (early/late build or plant) that made the difference..
Both have great selection, Stephens Performance takes better care of removal but more expensive. Shipping is a kick in the balls!!! I bought complete doors from S.P.
Here is one I have used. Thanks for the other links very helpful.
Another contact recomended to me by
www.dvap.com sales is
http://www.wildcatmopars.com they said a good contact there that knows their inventory is Vanessa