Full Version: first car show, Kimballs here i come!
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Well after last night success, I will be making my way to Kimballs in lancaster for my first car show. Finally!
I'll be there too. When are you going.
Hopefully after I clean her up maybe 5:30-6:00ish
I'm usually there after 6 or so. It can vary though coming from Waltham
See you there my friend! Granted my car is still not 100%
Warhawkfight34 Wrote:See you there my friend! Granted my car is still not 100%
That never matters. It's not why we go to these shows. Besides are they ever done?

I should be in my red gtx vert.

Pics Pics and more Pics..... Please!
I'll see if I can remember my camera.
Do I just drive in or do I have to register somewhere? I am a car show virgin with the coronet!
Anything else I need to know?

Folks, pix please! I was there last week and it was crazy packed. Can't make it this week. So bummed. Warhawkfight34, nope, just follow the masses of cool cars and the folks in the yellow vests will get you in place. If possible, avoid being on the grass at the dirt road. Unless you like washing your car.
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