I finally got my butt over to the RMV to register the 1965 Coronet I picked up a few weeks ago. After a 2+ hour wait with the dregs of the universe, my number was finally called. I wanted to get a specialty US flag plate that is offered here in Massachusetts. Some of the proceeds from the plate goes to fire and police memorial and charity funds. The plate has 4 characters, usually 2 numbers and 2 letters. The one the lady plunked on the table had the number "28". She then looked at the paperwork again and said, "Oooooh, it's a '65! Let me go down the basement and find you a good plate." Yup, that happened. Don't know about where any of you live, but here the RMV is not known for hiring people who give a darn. After about 10 minutes, she came back with a plate with "65" on it. Pretty darn cool.
LOL, Oldschool, I know exactly what you are talking about. I'm from Waltham and my closest branch in in Watertown, it's horrible.
But I had that exact same thing happen to me years ago with my plate on my truck. The lady came back with just a random plate, stopped mid way, said hold on a moment, rifled through the plates ( they were at the back of the old building so I could see her), and came back with a big

and said "I found one with your initials" I wonder if it was the same lady, they are not too common at the registry are they?
So are you going to Kimballs now?
Love to see your car.
Hi ws27, great story. Maybe they are sisters! :-)
I will be there next week. Tonight doesn't work.
All the stars were aligned for you that trip
let see it
Nice, well you didn't miss too much, the skies were cloudy and most people stayed away. My car made it though!