I just watched on CNN about the flash flooding in Phoenix. Richard, how is the situation where you are located? Power may still be out so if we don't hear from you for a while that could be the cause. Take care and be safe buddy!
Hello Tim,
Thank you very much for thinking of me my friend. So far the area that I'm located in has seen a lot more rain than we normally get, but we haven't lost power and I've seen no damage to my home or property. Most of the really serious flooding and damage that you're seeing on the TV news is happening to the north and west of my location. We're not out of trouble yet though, as it's supposed to rain again tonight. Arizona is in a serious drought and really needs the rain, but not this much this fast, as the ground in most areas is so dry that it's almost like concrete and just can't absorb that much rain water.
My best friend is a Phoenix Police Officer and my wife's sisters husband is a Phoenix Fire Fighter who is trained for emergency rescue service, so they've both been busy the past few days.
Richard.. I said you could post FSM's when hell froze over, not when Phoenix flooded over!!
Glad to hear your ok Richard.
I hardly remember what rain looks like out here.
Thanks guys. So far so good for my wife and me, but others not far from my area really got hit hard last night and today. We've been praying for rain but not 4 to 6 inches in a few hours in some places! That may not sound like much to a lot of you, but for us here in the desert it's almost like having a tsunami coming through.
This photo was taken this morning by one of the TV stations only a few miles from my home.
And you got floaters in that puddle , eeeeww!!!
Those aren't floaters, they are Oh Henry bars that fell off of a truck....
67440Dodge Wrote:Richard.. I said you could post FSM's when hell froze over, not when Phoenix flooded over!!
You're a funny guy Mike.
Not so funny is that It's thundering, lightening and raining again as I'm typing this............
Be safe Richard, and make sure all those documented, labeled, catalogued, and analyzed parts keep dry.
All or nothing huh?
And that's one biiiiig floater. LOL
Flooding is one of the worst things. When I was still living back home in Australia (where it is mostly always dry or in severe drought), we dreaded heavy rain coming down on bone dry ground. The water does not sink in and get absorbed, it just starts to move. And the floods happen so quickly after that.
I remember as a kid watching a wave of water advancing across huge wheat fields towards our house. That was pretty scary and the aftermath cleanup was heart breaking.
I hope you stay dry Richard. I would not wish a flood onto to anyone.