Full Version: Look what I picked up! MINT condition '67 Coronet Brochure!
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This is in amazing condition..

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That's not too common in your neck of the woods.
Very nice Zoran, that will be a cool item to display with your beautiful car at car shows and other car related events.

Yep, that's what I will do..

I now have the glovebox manual, the brochure, a certicard and an original service manual!
You are lucky, otherwise Richard will unleash Helga on you.

Course, maybe you'd like that. LOL
Very nice piece. Now, here's a question for you. What color is the car shown on the two page spread with the green background parked on a green surface? I've discussed that picture with friends before, and you never get a 100 % agreement on the car's paint color. Is it a dark green car, or is it black?
It looks black to me..There is a lot of green around it though, so I think the green is reflecting in the paint. Unlike now, they probably shot that on GREEN, rather than put it after since photoshop was not invented.. Wink