Full Version: Back to square one.
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Well I thought I had the center carb fixed! But apparently I didn't. Luckly I called Holley direct and they sent me a brand new metering block. I almost SHIAT when he told me it was only $54.98!!! I'll take 2. If this doesn't fix it I am leaning towards vapor lock. But that is worst case scenareo! I guess I will find out tomorrow. Stay tuned!
I wait with bated breath!
Has anyone ever had vapor lock?
What is the car doing? And can you get it to Waltham?
I found out that I was wrong!! (typical me). I told the guys making the final connections that there was not supposed to have
intake manifold gaskets. WELL I WAS WRONG!! SO what is it? A huge vacuum leak. I'm dumb. I bought some edelbrock 7225
gaskets and will have it fixed hopefully next weeke when they come in.
Oops! You can test for vacuum leaks using carb cleaner slowly sprayed around the gasketing surface.
ws27 Wrote:Oops! You can test for vacuum leaks using carb cleaner slowly sprayed around the gasketing surface.

Yup thats what I did. It was bad all around the manifold! No wonder it ran like shiat!