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It's that time of year again. Is anyone coming to the Dream Cruise next Saturday?
My wife & I took her car for it's maden voyage on Woodward yesterday afternoon. It pretty busy so we went home & got my car.
(I didn't want anyone to see me in a brand x) lol
WOW!! Filling up already!! I'll see you Wedesday afternoon, Joe!!
I sure wish I could have joined you
Have a good time
I'm teetering. I really got me jammed up but my daughter said" dad...let's go" yesterday
Piper Wrote:I'm teetering. I really got me jammed up but my daughter said" dad...let's go" yesterday
Let me know if you need a room, I have an extra off of Van Dyke, I'll cancel it tomorrow afternoon if no takers.
I'd love to go - always been a dream of mine, maybe one day!
Went on Woodward Wednesday and met up with Steve and his wife. Steve brought his K convertible. Someone left a note in his car asking him if wanted to sell it!
It is all ready hopping and the dream cruise is a few day away. I'll be there all day Friday and Saturday. My car will be in the Dodge display this year.
I`m loving that 60 olds, all cars in 1960 look so cool!!