Full Version: how to tell if heater core or valve is bad???
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on my 67 coronet factory air car...I am leaking coolant down my firewall in engine bay when coolant is full...
also inside my car my floor board is wet, carpet soaked etc... this is just from driving with nothing on, no heater etc..
my air does not work so that is never on.
What is tell tell signs that my heater core is bad? or the valve in the firewall is bad? or both? is there a way to tell or check easy without just taking all this out?
my heat works fine...actually it will run you out of there! lol...

I think you can pull the plate for the heater valve back just enough to see the actual valve behind it. That should eliminate one or the other.

Let me know if that's right.
That "Thermal Pill" valve is a odd duck. Like WS27 said.. Unscrew the cover plate and pull it out a tad. If its wet to the touch behind the valve? It's leaking. I'd bet its the heater core.
I think it's the heater core as well. Not that hard of a fix, compared to my 2000 Dodge Ram truck, the whole dash has to come off to access the heater core.
He's got AC, the hardest part is going to be finding a core if it is bad..
If it is the core then he can have it rebuilt if a new one isn't available.
They are available, Jim got a new one for his wagon a little while ago...

OK, maybe a little longer than a little while ago.
they are available on ebay...expensive but available...
I haven't researched it to much yet, just bypassed it this weekend to stop the wet floorboard....
90+ degrees in ky kinda makes you not worry about the heater core just yet lol...