01-16-13, 01:10 PM
67440Dodge Wrote:The decision to start fresh was not an easy one trust me. I spent a good chunk of that Saturday trying to get the old board migrated to the new one. The old host backup process was not compatible with the new host, and we tried many different ways to get the data over. So many that the new hosting service flagged Kevin's IP address as a denial of service attack and shut us down.
If you give me the name of the thread, or what it was about (and an approximate date it was posted), I can retrieve it for you. I'll give it to you either via a PDF, XPS, DOCX or TXT file and you can copy/paste it into a new thread here.
For me personally Mike, it would be the thread in the restoration forum about my 1966 Coronet 500 titled "Thebankerstoy 1966 Coronet 500" if my memory serves me correctly and it was the first thread posted in that new forum after you created it, so if you have the start date of that forum, my thread will be dated either that same day, or very shortly after.
Like I've mentioned to you several times before, even though I don't know all of the things that you and Kevin have had to do during the transfer of the DCR from the old host to the new one, I do understand somewhat how much effort that you both have put into this change and are still doing to sort out all of the many details that make for a smooth running web site, so if any, or all of the old web site's threads are to time consuming to transfer, everybody will understand, but if there is any small chance that a few of the threads that some members put a lot of effort into might be saved, it would be greatly appreciated. Either way, thank you both for all of your hard work and I'm REALLY enjoying some of the new sites features and MUCH faster responses, which have been amazing indeed!
