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Anyone use those BB aluminum bellhousings that Brewers selling?

Found crack in mine last night when re-tapping some holes, so time for new..
Was it new?
Mine? no.. it was a cast iron one I picked up off Craigslist. Saw Brewers is selling a reproduced aluminum one for BB's and was wondering if anyone else used em..
I have seen them at shows and look good. I would use a blanket with it though at least with my driving habits I would Smile and have your flywheel checked out real good. Billit one prefered
If the crack is not major they are easily fixed. I have one that was probably welded in 3 or 4 locations by my Dad and is structurally fine. But I do agree replacing it is easier if you aren't handy at welding aluminum.
A blanket would be a very advisable addition! Locktite on the flywheel bolts as well.