Sorry folks, but due to possible copyright law issues, I thought it best to delete the power window wiring diagrams below that were taken directly from my various Factory Service Manuals. Those diagrams are available in the various model year service manuals and if you need a referral to purchase one for your car, please contact me.
TekHousE Wrote:You know I like this! 
Those of us who have to deal with power window systems as old as these deserve all of the help that we can get Tek!
Thanks for sharing those wiring diagrams Richard, do you know of a source for lift motors or do we just rebuild ours?
R/T XTC Wrote:Thanks for sharing those wiring diagrams Richard, do you know of a source for lift motors or do we just rebuild ours?
You're very welcome.
Nobody that I'm aware of is reproducing any of the 1960's and 1970's power window lift motors, so you will have to either rebuild your original motors, or try to find n.o.s., or used motors somewhere. What model year motors are you looking for? Just let me know and I'll give you the factory part numbers for those particular motors.
There are companies out there that are making aftermarket front door power window assemblies for some of our older Mopars, so maybe their aftermarket motors could be adapted to our original power window regulators, but I've never really looked into that, so I can't give you any confirmed information on that type of swap.
I am in the process of finishing up a thread in the "Coronet Restoration" forum that gives all of the factory part numbers for all of the power window switches for all cars from 1959 through 1974, so that may be helpful to you. After I finish that thread, I may do another related thread showing all of the part numbers for the power window lift motors as well, so please stay tuned.
the rear 1/4 window on right is very slow and sometimes needs help but still works
R/T XTC Wrote:the rear 1/4 window on right is very slow and sometimes needs help but still works
For a 1969 Coronet convertible?
Below are the factory part numbers for the rear quarter window lift motors for a 1969 Coronet convertible. These convertible window lift motors are specific to the Dodge and Plymouth B-Body convertible models only, so any other body style quarter window motors are not interchangeable.
On the positive side, the 1968 and 1970 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body convertibles used these same rear quarter window lift motors, so that gives you three different model years to search for if your cars original needs to be replaced.
Part number: 3004 124 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, right side
Application: 1968 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1968 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
Part number: 3004 123 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, left side
Application: 1968 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1968 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
Part number: 3004 124 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, right side
Application: 1969 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1969 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
Part number: 3004 123 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, left side
Application: 1969 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1969 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
Part number: 3004 124 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, right side
Application: 1970 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1970 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
Part number: 3004 123 (use 1 per car)
Factory parts book section number: 23-41-106
Part description: motor and mechanism package, electric window lift, quarter window, left side
Application: 1970 Plymouth B-Body convertible models (Belvedere, Satellite)
Application: 1970 Dodge B-Body convertible models (Coronet)
you are a wealth of knowledge my friend, and may I add you are also faster than a speeding bullet !
R/T XTC Wrote:you are a wealth of knowledge my friend, and may I add you are also faster than a speeding bullet !

Thank you very much my friend! I'm always glad to help fellow Coronet owners!