Full Version: Maiden voyage of my CORONET FINALLY!!!!!!
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Well after 6 long years and a shitload of money I drove my baby yesterday. What was even better than that was my son was with me!!
Here is a video. I expect to here people making fun of me and my comments but to say I was excited would not be the proper words!!
says its private.
Try it now! it should work.
Great!! I am very happy for you

O what a feeling driving your new Mopar
"I expect to here people making fun of me and my comments but to say I was excited would not be the proper words!!"

Being excited should be the proper words.
We've all been there and felt what you felt.

Glad to hear you got it running, did you use the dist in the old engine?
ws27 Wrote:Glad to hear you got it running, did you use the dist in the old engine?
Yes, I did use the old one. I also have a new one on order and should have it on Monday.

luckily for all of us, we have not attracted the type of people that make fun of other people here. that is what makes this site so great.
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