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Was just wondering if there is a way to match my door lock tumblers to my new ignition switch key, on my own? Don't want to pull them out and take everything to a locksmith! Confused
Either way they have to come out.
best is too take out and get a older locksmith co to match them up. the wafers- not pins in our cars are getting harder to find to do this!!
so, you think the best way is to find a matched set? Kinda stinks, I just put a new ignition switch in it!
tgranthamfd Wrote:so, you think the best way is to find a matched set? Kinda stinks, I just put a new ignition switch in it!
Which key match, the ignition and doors, or the doors and trunk?
The doors and ignition use one key, the trunk and glove box use the other.


I need to find door locks ... once i do I will have one key for the doors, one for the ignition and another for the trunk Smile