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I am new here so if this question has been asked then I do apologize.

What does Coronet actually mean.

I have heard that its a small bee unique to the amazon.......which would make sense to have a coronet super bee.

I have also heard and seen on a Google search that its a small crown worn by dignitaries who are very important people but right below royalty. This would also make sense........because the Coronet through its history could have been quite a luxurious car but on a budget.....far below the Imperial.

What were the designers actually thinking???
You know, I really never thought about that come to think of it! I'd agree to the 'just below royalty' explanation.
I was always under the impression that it had to do with the crown. not the instrument.
It seems to me that the mid and late 50's coronets had that crown for an emblem on the sides or trunk!!


interesting thought there..... i didnt know the mid to late 50's had the crown on them. thats really cool!
Our cars rock!! Smile
The main page of the site has one of them. It's off a 49.

[Image: dodge_coronet_shield_emblem_49.jpg]
Great and interesting thread!! Thanks for the answers.