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WOW!! It's a high price to pay here, Richard!!!!!!!!!!!!I am not Worthy
Racer Brown Wrote:WOW!! It's a high price to pay here, Richard!!!!!!!!!!!!I am not Worthy

More time than money for me Steve. It's going to take me awhile to come up with a REALLY good reason for why Rich should give Mike one of his sets of 67 Coronet n.o.s. grille surrounds! I am going to mention that the U.P.S. Girl will be coming to his home to pick them up soon!


If that doesn't persuade him, I will mention that Helga will be making the parts run pick up trip next!


His choice! Rofl

By the way Mike, is it no longer possible to download pictures directly from an off site location such as Photobucket?

I go away one day...
ws27 Wrote:I go away one day...

Good thing it was only one day, because I REALLY want the unlimited picture and video approval Rich, so if you would have been gone any longer, Mike would have received all of your cars and parts! Big Grin

Now, about that set of n.o.s. 67 Coronet front grille surrounds, will it be the U.P.S. Girl, or Helga picking them up over the weekend? popcorn

In the buff ups hot chick ?? I'm in Roflpopcorn
HHelga is all you Richard :0
I dunno Richa d... Lemme check when I get home tomorrow..
67440Dodge Wrote:I dunno Richa d... Lemme check when I get home tomorrow..

Thanks Mike. I use to be able to click on the ULR link on a picture in my Photobuck files and then paste it directly into my DCR threads, but I wasn't able to do that today after the changes were made yesterday. I haven't tried it yet, but I wonder if I will be able to also copy and paste pictures from the Internet directly into my DCR threads like I use to be able to do as well now?

Beer Beer Beer
Pages: 1 2