Do you know if the hi and lo horns for a 67 Coronet 440 are the same as the 66 Coronet 440. I have a 67 parts book, and it calls out part #2808868 and #2808869 Thanks for the help.
Yes they are the same.
Part number 2808 869, high tone
Part number 2808 868, low tone
These same horns were used on 1966 A-Body cars and all 1967 A-body, B-Body, C-Body and Imperial models as well.
The horns on my 1966 Coronet 500 are factory stock, but not mounted in the exact factory location for reasons that I don't remember.
![[Image: My1966Coronet500-Horns3.jpg]](
Thanks for the quick response. Great pictures!!!!
440net Wrote:Thanks for the quick response. Great pictures!!!!
You're very welcome, glad I could help!