Full Version: Mini starter with shorty headers
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I got a set of hedman shorty headers and when they came I noticed the Install sheet said it needed to be used with a mini starter. DOH! Should have ordered them at the same time. Anyway, the install sheet says to be used with McLeod 810159 or exact same style. I searched for that starter and it returns nothing. There are a bunch of mini style starters on Summit... but I don't want to order the wrong one and have to send it back... anyone ever used Hedman shorties? I'm leaning towards this starter:

Oh I should also mention its a 400 engine in my 66 coronet. Basically the question is are all mini starters the same specs?
I'd suggest you call Hedman directly and ask them if you need a special one, or get a mini starter you can return if you make a mistake.
Yeah that was my next stop but figured I would check on here first. I'll post back what I find out.
Just my two cents... Dodge Dakotas mid 90's to as new as 2000's with V-8's have an excellent compact starter that will bolt straight up to older Mopars. The tooth pattern for the ring gear is the same. I changed mine up and it works great!
Beware!! Some aftermarket (mainly Chinese) Performance compact starters have nylon or plastic internals and when they are mounted near headers (that radiate far more heat than manifolds), they melt and fail.Sad Plus, even if they do not have cheap nylon and plastic innards, they tend to heat soak and require a cool-off period before starting again... The Dakota starters are pretty much immune to this in my experience. The bonus is you can pick one up at any parts store and most salvage yards!!!