04-30-14, 05:07 PM
Back-up Lamp Assemblies: 1966 & 1967 Dodge Coronet & Dodge Charger Models
Another part used on the 1966 and 1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models that are often misrepresented on a regular basis, are the back-up lamp assemblies.
Below are most of the 1966 and 1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger model codes that Chrysler used in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books to identify which specific parts were used on all of the various models.
1966 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models:
W-E = Coronet, economy - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan)
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan, 6 passenger station wagon)
W-H = Coronet 440, - high price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan, 6 and 9 passenger station wagon)
W-P = Coronet 500, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan)
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models:
W-E = Coronet, economy - low price class (6 passenger station wagon)
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan, 6 passenger station wagon)
W-H = Coronet 440, - high price class (2 door hardtop, 2 and 4 door sedan, convertible coupe, 6 and 9 passenger station wagon)
W-P = Coronet 500, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan)
W-P = Coronet R/T, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe) (please see note #2 below)
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
Note #1: 1966 and 1967 Dodge Charger models are referred to in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books as either W-P, W-P Charger, or Charger, rather than as XP as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #2: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as W-P, rather than as WS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
![[Image: 1966FPB-Illus8-30-Back-upLamps-StationWa...vedere.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966%20Factory%20Parts%20Book/1966FPB-Illus8-30-Back-upLamps-StationWagonampBelvedere.jpg)
![[Image: 1966FPB-Illus8-31-Back-upLamps-ChargerampCoronet500.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966%20Factory%20Parts%20Book/1966FPB-Illus8-31-Back-upLamps-ChargerampCoronet500.jpg)
1966 Dodge Coronet & Dodge Charger Models: Part Numbers
Part number: 2585 027 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-L, station wagon
Application: W-H, station wagon
Part number: 2575 190 (passenger side)
Part number: 2575 191 (drivers side)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-E, all
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2606 002 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 151 576 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-1 AND 8-44-1
Part description: lamp (bulb), back-up lamp
Part specifications: single base contact, 32 candle power, 12 volt, vendor part number 1073
Application: W-E, all models
Application: W-L, all models
Application: W-H, all models
Application: W-P, all models
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, all models
Part number: 2258 404
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, back-up lamp, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with manual transmission
Part number: 2661 167
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, with automatic transmission and without console
Application: W, all with automatic transmission and without console
Application: A-body, Imperial, with automatic transmission and without console
Part number: 2631 039
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, with automatic transmission and with console
Application: W, all 2 door hardtop with automatic transmission and with console
Application: W, all convertible coupe with automatic transmission and with console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with automatic transmission and with console
Part number: 6026 652 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: screw and coned washer, back-up lamp switch, console mount
Application: W, all with console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with console
Part number: 6026 706 (use as needed)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: screw, mounting, back-up lamp switch with automatic transmission and without console
Application: W, all with automatic transmission and without console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, with automatic transmission and without console
Part number: 6023 539 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-4
Part description: nut, back-up lamp, housing attachment
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 6023 201 (use 4 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-4
Part description: nut, back-up lamp attachment
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2585 029 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-L, station wagon
Application: W-H, station wagon
Part number: 2585 076 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-E, all
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2585 088 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2585 156 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Applications: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 2606 116 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-23
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp lens
Application: W, all except station wagon and Charger
Part number: 2606 007 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-23
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp lens
Application: W-P Charger
Part number: 6024 735 (use 13 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-25
Part description: washer and seal, back-up lamp mounting
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, 4 door sedan
Application: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 2584 972 (use 2 per car on all Coronet & Charger models, use as needed on all other models)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-27
Part description: contact, insulator and spring package, for back-up lamp socket
Application: W, all models
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, all models
Part number: 2426 243 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-34
Part description: socket, back-up lamp
Application: W, all except Charger
Part number: 2575 345 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-40
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp housing
Application: W, all station wagon
Part number: 6025 745 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-41
Part description: screw, back-up lamp mounting
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2575 991
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-43
Part description: housing, back-up lamp (this is the large cast metal trim piece that houses the back-up lamps on all 1966 Coronet 500 models only and that goes across the full length of the trunk lid)
Application: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 1302 807
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-46
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp switch mounting, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: W-P Charger, with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with manual transmission
Part number: 1302 807
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-46
Part description: switch, back-up lamp, plug hole, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: W-P Charger, with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, all with manual transmission
Part number: 6024 576 (use 4 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-53
Part description: stud, back-up lamp housing
Application: W, all except station wagon
Application: W-P Charger
Application: A-Body, C-Body, all except station wagon
Reproduction 1966 Coronet, Coronet Deluxe and Coronet 440 trim level cars back-up lamp housings and lenses.
![[Image: BEApart1305-66-1966Coronetexcept500model...zelset.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Parts%20Aftermarket%20And%20Mopar%20Performance/BEApart1305-66-1966Coronetexcept500modelsback-uplightchromebezelset.jpg)
![[Image: BEApart1305-66L-1966Coronetexceptfor500m...askets.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Parts%20Aftermarket%20And%20Mopar%20Performance/BEApart1305-66L-1966Coronetexceptfor500modelsback-uplightlensesandgaskets.jpg)
1966 Coronet 440 trim level car.
![[Image: 1966Coronet440-blue4-1-1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1966Coronet440-blue4-1-1.jpg)
Below are pictures of the 1966 Coronet 500 trim level cars back-up lamp lenses. These are NOT interchangeable with ANY of the other 1966 Coronet models! The coronet 500 back-up lamp lenses are squared off on all 4 corners while the Coronet, Coronet Deluxe and Coronet 440 trim level models back-up lamp lenses are squared off on one end and rounded on the other end in order to fit the separate housings that they use. There are no separate housings used on the 1966 Coronet 500 models, as the back-up lamp lenses bolt directly to the large pot metal trim plate that spans the entire length of the trunk lid.
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-2.jpg)
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-1.jpg)
1966 Coronet 500 trim level car.
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-bluewhite12.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1966Coronet500-bluewhite12.jpg)
Another part used on the 1966 and 1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models that are often misrepresented on a regular basis, are the back-up lamp assemblies.
Below are most of the 1966 and 1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger model codes that Chrysler used in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books to identify which specific parts were used on all of the various models.
1966 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models:
W-E = Coronet, economy - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan)
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan, 6 passenger station wagon)
W-H = Coronet 440, - high price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan, 6 and 9 passenger station wagon)
W-P = Coronet 500, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan)
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
1967 Dodge Coronet and Dodge Charger models:
W-E = Coronet, economy - low price class (6 passenger station wagon)
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, - low price class (2 and 4 door sedan, 6 passenger station wagon)
W-H = Coronet 440, - high price class (2 door hardtop, 2 and 4 door sedan, convertible coupe, 6 and 9 passenger station wagon)
W-P = Coronet 500, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe, 4 door sedan)
W-P = Coronet R/T, - premium price class (2 door hardtop, convertible coupe) (please see note #2 below)
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
Note #1: 1966 and 1967 Dodge Charger models are referred to in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books as either W-P, W-P Charger, or Charger, rather than as XP as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #2: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as W-P, rather than as WS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
![[Image: 1966FPB-Illus8-30-Back-upLamps-StationWa...vedere.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966%20Factory%20Parts%20Book/1966FPB-Illus8-30-Back-upLamps-StationWagonampBelvedere.jpg)
![[Image: 1966FPB-Illus8-31-Back-upLamps-ChargerampCoronet500.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966%20Factory%20Parts%20Book/1966FPB-Illus8-31-Back-upLamps-ChargerampCoronet500.jpg)
1966 Dodge Coronet & Dodge Charger Models: Part Numbers
Part number: 2585 027 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-L, station wagon
Application: W-H, station wagon
Part number: 2575 190 (passenger side)
Part number: 2575 191 (drivers side)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-E, all
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2606 002 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-1
Part description: back-up lamp package
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 151 576 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-1 AND 8-44-1
Part description: lamp (bulb), back-up lamp
Part specifications: single base contact, 32 candle power, 12 volt, vendor part number 1073
Application: W-E, all models
Application: W-L, all models
Application: W-H, all models
Application: W-P, all models
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, all models
Part number: 2258 404
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, back-up lamp, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with manual transmission
Part number: 2661 167
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, with automatic transmission and without console
Application: W, all with automatic transmission and without console
Application: A-body, Imperial, with automatic transmission and without console
Part number: 2631 039
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: switch, with automatic transmission and with console
Application: W, all 2 door hardtop with automatic transmission and with console
Application: W, all convertible coupe with automatic transmission and with console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with automatic transmission and with console
Part number: 6026 652 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: screw and coned washer, back-up lamp switch, console mount
Application: W, all with console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with console
Part number: 6026 706 (use as needed)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-2
Part description: screw, mounting, back-up lamp switch with automatic transmission and without console
Application: W, all with automatic transmission and without console
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, with automatic transmission and without console
Part number: 6023 539 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-4
Part description: nut, back-up lamp, housing attachment
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 6023 201 (use 4 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-4
Part description: nut, back-up lamp attachment
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2585 029 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-L, station wagon
Application: W-H, station wagon
Part number: 2585 076 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-E, all
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2585 088 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Application: W-P Charger (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2585 156 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 8-56-8
Part description: back-up lamp, lens and gasket package
Applications: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 2606 116 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-23
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp lens
Application: W, all except station wagon and Charger
Part number: 2606 007 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-23
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp lens
Application: W-P Charger
Part number: 6024 735 (use 13 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-25
Part description: washer and seal, back-up lamp mounting
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, 4 door sedan
Application: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 2584 972 (use 2 per car on all Coronet & Charger models, use as needed on all other models)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-27
Part description: contact, insulator and spring package, for back-up lamp socket
Application: W, all models
Application: A-Body, C-Body, Imperial, all models
Part number: 2426 243 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-34
Part description: socket, back-up lamp
Application: W, all except Charger
Part number: 2575 345 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-40
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp housing
Application: W, all station wagon
Part number: 6025 745 (use 2 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-41
Part description: screw, back-up lamp mounting
Application: W-L, all except station wagon
Application: W-H, all except station wagon
Part number: 2575 991
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-43
Part description: housing, back-up lamp (this is the large cast metal trim piece that houses the back-up lamps on all 1966 Coronet 500 models only and that goes across the full length of the trunk lid)
Application: W-P, all except Charger
Part number: 1302 807
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-46
Part description: gasket, back-up lamp switch mounting, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: W-P Charger, with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, with manual transmission
Part number: 1302 807
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-46
Part description: switch, back-up lamp, plug hole, with manual transmission
Application: W, all with manual transmission
Application: W-P Charger, with manual transmission
Application: A-Body, C-Body, all with manual transmission
Part number: 6024 576 (use 4 per car)
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 8-56-53
Part description: stud, back-up lamp housing
Application: W, all except station wagon
Application: W-P Charger
Application: A-Body, C-Body, all except station wagon
Reproduction 1966 Coronet, Coronet Deluxe and Coronet 440 trim level cars back-up lamp housings and lenses.
![[Image: BEApart1305-66-1966Coronetexcept500model...zelset.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Parts%20Aftermarket%20And%20Mopar%20Performance/BEApart1305-66-1966Coronetexcept500modelsback-uplightchromebezelset.jpg)
![[Image: BEApart1305-66L-1966Coronetexceptfor500m...askets.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Parts%20Aftermarket%20And%20Mopar%20Performance/BEApart1305-66L-1966Coronetexceptfor500modelsback-uplightlensesandgaskets.jpg)
1966 Coronet 440 trim level car.
![[Image: 1966Coronet440-blue4-1-1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1966Coronet440-blue4-1-1.jpg)
Below are pictures of the 1966 Coronet 500 trim level cars back-up lamp lenses. These are NOT interchangeable with ANY of the other 1966 Coronet models! The coronet 500 back-up lamp lenses are squared off on all 4 corners while the Coronet, Coronet Deluxe and Coronet 440 trim level models back-up lamp lenses are squared off on one end and rounded on the other end in order to fit the separate housings that they use. There are no separate housings used on the 1966 Coronet 500 models, as the back-up lamp lenses bolt directly to the large pot metal trim plate that spans the entire length of the trunk lid.
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-2.jpg)
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500-Back-upLampLens-part2585156-1.jpg)
1966 Coronet 500 trim level car.
![[Image: 1966Coronet500-bluewhite12.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1966Coronet500-bluewhite12.jpg)