04-25-14, 02:46 AM
Below is some information regarding all of the lower instrument panel moulding trim and instrument panel steering column opening covers that are used on many of the 1966 and 1967 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body cars, including Dodge Coronet and Charger and Plymouth Belvedere, Satellite and GTX.
Many times I see this moulding trim and steering column opening covers being advertised as being interchangeable between all of the 1966 and 1967 B-Body models and that is simply NOT true! These parts aren't interchangeable between the 1966 and 1967 cars because the steering column assemblies are different on the two model years. The 1966 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body cars were the last to use the non collapsible steering columns while the 1967 B-Body cars were the first to receive the collapsible steering columns. Why would this steering column design change make any difference to the lower instrument panel mounted moulding trim and steering column opening covers? The reason is that the collapsible 1967 steering columns have a slightly larger diameter where the steering column passes through the instrument panel, so the lower moulding trim and steering column opening covers had to be modified as well to accept this larger diameter steering column and pass through hole in the instrument panel. This also means that the steering column assemblies are NOT interchangeable between the 1966 and 1967 B-Body cars either.
When buying any of these parts on-line, you will absolutely need to verify with the seller which model and model year their parts came from or you will take the risk of purchasing the incorrect parts for your application.
I've included the various 1966 and 1967 model designation codes below which Chrysler used in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books to identify which vehicle and specific model that each part was used on to help you verify which parts are correct for your application. The "section number" that you will find for each part, are to identify the location in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books where each part is listed and where to find all of the parts specific information.
Model Codes Used In The 1966 And 1967 Factory Parts Books For Dodge Coronet And Dodge Charger Models:
W-K = Coronet. Police package, all models
W-T = Coronet, Taxi, all models
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, all models - low price class
W-H = Coronet 440, all models - high price class
W-P = Coronet 500, all models - premium price class
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
W-P = Coronet R/T, all models (1967 only) - premium price class (please see note #2 below)
Model Codes Used In The 1966 And 1967 Factory Parts Books For Plymouth Belvedere, Satellite And GTX Models:
R-K = Belvedere, Police package, all models
R-T = Belvedere, Taxi, all models
R-L = Belvedere I, all models - low price class
R-H = Belvedere II, all models - high price class
R-P = Satellite, all models - premium price class
R-P = Plymouth GTX, all models - premium price class (please see note #3 below)
Note #1: 1966 and 1967 Dodge Charger models are referred to in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books as either W-P, or Charger, rather than as XP as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #2: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as W-P rather than as WS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #3: 1967 Plymouth GTX models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as either R, or R-P rather than as RS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim for 1966 Model Year Only
Part number: 2661 532
1966 Factory Parts Book section number:,23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 384
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P, (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 1839 995
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: nut, moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: two (2)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 535
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/plate (tapping plate), left side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 534
1966 Factory Parts Book section number:,23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Part number: 2661 536
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description:,moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number / color: 4043 BB9 - Blue
Part number / color: 4043 BQ8 - Turquoise
Part number / color: 4043 BR8 - Red
Part number / color: 4043 BT7 - Yellow Tan
Part number / color: 4043 BX9 - Black
Part number / color: 4043 BY8 - Yellow Gold
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 23-33-132
Part description: cover, instrument panel steering column opening
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W, all models
Application: R, all models
1966 Plymouth Belvedere II
![[Image: 1966PlymouthBelvedere2DoorHardtop-DashboardView2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966-1967%20Plymouth%20B-Body%20-%20all/1966PlymouthBelvedere2DoorHardtop-DashboardView2.jpg)
1966 Dodge Coronet 500
![[Image: 1966Coronet500convertible2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500convertible2.jpg)
1966 Dodge Charger
![[Image: 1966Charger-redinterior-dashboardassemblyincar.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/1966Charger-redinterior-dashboardassemblyincar.jpg)
Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim for 1967 Model Year Only
Part number: 2661 532
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2822 794
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, all
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2822 795
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-K (Police)
Application: R-T, (taxi)
Application: R-E
Application: R-L
Application: W-K (Police)
Application: W-T, (taxi)
Application: W-E
Application: W-L
Application: W-H, (except 2 door hardtop and convertible coupe)
Part number: 2857 317
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Part number: 2857 318
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2857 319
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), left side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number / color: 4045 CB8 - Blue
Part number / color: 4045 CK8 - Copper
Part number / color: 4045 CQ8 - Turquoise
Part number / color: 4045 CR9 - Red
Part number / color: 4045 CT8 - Yellow Tan
Part number / color: 4045 CX9 - Black
1967 Factory Parts Book section: 23-33-132
Part description: cover, instrument panel steering column opening
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W, all models
Application: R, all models
1967 Left And Right Side Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim - Front Side View
![[Image: 1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-leftandr...ntside.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-leftandrightsides1-frontside.jpg)
1967 Left, Center Steering Column and Right Side Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim - Back Side View
![[Image: 1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-complete...ckside.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-completeset2-backside.jpg)
1967 Plymouth Belvedere II
![[Image: 1967PlymouthBelvedereII-DashboardView1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966-1967%20Plymouth%20B-Body%20-%20all/1967PlymouthBelvedereII-DashboardView1.jpg)
1967 Dodge Coronet R/T
![[Image: 1967Coronet-redinteriorandsteeringwheel.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1967Coronet-redinteriorandsteeringwheel.jpg)
1967 Dodge Charger
![[Image: 1967DodgeCharger4-redwithblackvinyl.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/1967DodgeCharger4-redwithblackvinyl.jpg)
Part Interchangeability Between All Of The Above 1966 and 1967 Instrument Panel Lower Moulding Trim And Steering Column Opening Cover Parts
The ONLY part that interchanges from ALL of the above parts above on the 1966 and 1967 B-Body cars is the following part.
Part number: 2661 532
1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
I hope the above information helps all 1966 and 1967 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body owners avoid any confusion on these parts.
Many times I see this moulding trim and steering column opening covers being advertised as being interchangeable between all of the 1966 and 1967 B-Body models and that is simply NOT true! These parts aren't interchangeable between the 1966 and 1967 cars because the steering column assemblies are different on the two model years. The 1966 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body cars were the last to use the non collapsible steering columns while the 1967 B-Body cars were the first to receive the collapsible steering columns. Why would this steering column design change make any difference to the lower instrument panel mounted moulding trim and steering column opening covers? The reason is that the collapsible 1967 steering columns have a slightly larger diameter where the steering column passes through the instrument panel, so the lower moulding trim and steering column opening covers had to be modified as well to accept this larger diameter steering column and pass through hole in the instrument panel. This also means that the steering column assemblies are NOT interchangeable between the 1966 and 1967 B-Body cars either.
When buying any of these parts on-line, you will absolutely need to verify with the seller which model and model year their parts came from or you will take the risk of purchasing the incorrect parts for your application.
I've included the various 1966 and 1967 model designation codes below which Chrysler used in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books to identify which vehicle and specific model that each part was used on to help you verify which parts are correct for your application. The "section number" that you will find for each part, are to identify the location in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books where each part is listed and where to find all of the parts specific information.
Model Codes Used In The 1966 And 1967 Factory Parts Books For Dodge Coronet And Dodge Charger Models:
W-K = Coronet. Police package, all models
W-T = Coronet, Taxi, all models
W-L = Coronet Deluxe, all models - low price class
W-H = Coronet 440, all models - high price class
W-P = Coronet 500, all models - premium price class
W-P = Charger - premium price class (please see note #1 below)
W-P = Coronet R/T, all models (1967 only) - premium price class (please see note #2 below)
Model Codes Used In The 1966 And 1967 Factory Parts Books For Plymouth Belvedere, Satellite And GTX Models:
R-K = Belvedere, Police package, all models
R-T = Belvedere, Taxi, all models
R-L = Belvedere I, all models - low price class
R-H = Belvedere II, all models - high price class
R-P = Satellite, all models - premium price class
R-P = Plymouth GTX, all models - premium price class (please see note #3 below)
Note #1: 1966 and 1967 Dodge Charger models are referred to in the 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books as either W-P, or Charger, rather than as XP as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #2: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as W-P rather than as WS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Note #3: 1967 Plymouth GTX models are referred to in the 1967 Factory Parts Book as either R, or R-P rather than as RS as they are on their V.I.N. and fender tag plates.
Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim for 1966 Model Year Only
Part number: 2661 532
1966 Factory Parts Book section number:,23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 384
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P, (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 1839 995
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: nut, moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: two (2)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 535
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/plate (tapping plate), left side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number: 2661 534
1966 Factory Parts Book section number:,23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H
Application: R-P
Part number: 2661 536
1966 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description:,moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W-H
Application: W-P
Application: W-P (Charger) (please see note #1 above)
Part number / color: 4043 BB9 - Blue
Part number / color: 4043 BQ8 - Turquoise
Part number / color: 4043 BR8 - Red
Part number / color: 4043 BT7 - Yellow Tan
Part number / color: 4043 BX9 - Black
Part number / color: 4043 BY8 - Yellow Gold
1966 Factory Parts Book section: 23-33-132
Part description: cover, instrument panel steering column opening
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W, all models
Application: R, all models
1966 Plymouth Belvedere II
![[Image: 1966PlymouthBelvedere2DoorHardtop-DashboardView2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966-1967%20Plymouth%20B-Body%20-%20all/1966PlymouthBelvedere2DoorHardtop-DashboardView2.jpg)
1966 Dodge Coronet 500
![[Image: 1966Coronet500convertible2.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1966Coronet500convertible2.jpg)
1966 Dodge Charger
![[Image: 1966Charger-redinterior-dashboardassemblyincar.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/1966Charger-redinterior-dashboardassemblyincar.jpg)
Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim for 1967 Model Year Only
Part number: 2661 532
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2822 794
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, all
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2822 795
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, steering column
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-K (Police)
Application: R-T, (taxi)
Application: R-E
Application: R-L
Application: W-K (Police)
Application: W-T, (taxi)
Application: W-E
Application: W-L
Application: W-H, (except 2 door hardtop and convertible coupe)
Part number: 2857 317
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Part number: 2857 318
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), right side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number: 2857 319
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-86
Part description: moulding, instrument panel, with T/Plate (tapping plate), left side
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
Part number / color: 4045 CB8 - Blue
Part number / color: 4045 CK8 - Copper
Part number / color: 4045 CQ8 - Turquoise
Part number / color: 4045 CR9 - Red
Part number / color: 4045 CT8 - Yellow Tan
Part number / color: 4045 CX9 - Black
1967 Factory Parts Book section: 23-33-132
Part description: cover, instrument panel steering column opening
Quantity used per car: one (1)
Application: W, all models
Application: R, all models
1967 Left And Right Side Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim - Front Side View
![[Image: 1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-leftandr...ntside.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-leftandrightsides1-frontside.jpg)
1967 Left, Center Steering Column and Right Side Lower Instrument Panel Moulding Trim - Back Side View
![[Image: 1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-complete...ckside.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Mopar%20Parts%20-%20Factory%20NOS%20-%20New%20-%20Used/1967Coronetlowerdashmoldingtrim-completeset2-backside.jpg)
1967 Plymouth Belvedere II
![[Image: 1967PlymouthBelvedereII-DashboardView1.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/1966-1967%20Plymouth%20B-Body%20-%20all/1967PlymouthBelvedereII-DashboardView1.jpg)
1967 Dodge Coronet R/T
![[Image: 1967Coronet-redinteriorandsteeringwheel.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Coronet%20-%20All/1967Coronet-redinteriorandsteeringwheel.jpg)
1967 Dodge Charger
![[Image: 1967DodgeCharger4-redwithblackvinyl.jpg]](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r248/thebankerstoy/Dodge%20Charger%20-%20All/1967DodgeCharger4-redwithblackvinyl.jpg)
Part Interchangeability Between All Of The Above 1966 and 1967 Instrument Panel Lower Moulding Trim And Steering Column Opening Cover Parts
The ONLY part that interchanges from ALL of the above parts above on the 1966 and 1967 B-Body cars is the following part.
Part number: 2661 532
1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-33-84
Part description: retainer, instrument panel moulding
Quantity used per car: nine (9)
Application: R-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: R-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-H, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P, 2 door hardtop, convertible coupe
Application: W-P (Charger)
I hope the above information helps all 1966 and 1967 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body owners avoid any confusion on these parts.