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Going through my collection of head bolts to see if I have anything usable I noticed I have two different markings on the head of the bolts, does anyone know what they denote?
Most likely different manufacturers. The one on the left has the correct markings for a grade 8 bolt. Use what you got, they should all be fine as long as they came on an engine.
i cant say for sure 100% but its most likely a different manufacturer.
Both good bolts, just check all the threads close. The one on right looks more like an older OEM Mopar head bolt to me, I use them all the time.
Would you reuse head bolts after they've been touqued and streached??
As long as they don't require replacing... Some iron block/aluminum head motors from the 80's up, and the newer torque to yield are 1 shot only bolts
As long as you torque the head bolts in stages over a period of days you should get good clamping torque on either manufacturers' bolts. When we have used aluminum heads on an iron block we always use head studs instead of bolts.
Racer Brown Wrote:Would you reuse head bolts after they've been touqued and streached??
Those old bolts are not torque to yield. You'll have no problems.

I remember in the 80's I put a head on an Escort (I know, I know) too quickly and had to remove it and buy annother set of bolts. Course, I was only fourteen, but I never made that mistake again.