Full Version: want to put factory radio back in my car
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He has a great singing voice as well! Ole' Jimmy Neighbors, quite the piece of work, golly shazam! Did you see the clip with the 2 girls kissing him? Jim must have felt rather...well....I won't go there, LOL! SHAZAM!!
4264door Wrote:He has a great singing voice as well! Ole' Jimmy Neighbors, quite the piece of work, golly shazam! Did you see the clip with the 2 girls kissing him? Jim must have felt rather...well....I won't go there, LOL! SHAZAM!!

For me, one of the very best parts of the pre race festivities at the Indy 500 is when Jim Nabors sings "Back Home Again In Indiana"! Just a great actor I grew up watching with an incredible singing voice!


P.S. and now back to our original conversation about factory radios! Wink
wish me luck....that I don't break anything or electrocute myself... Smile
still looking for a factory radio though if anyone has one working they want to donate Wink
I could easily be persuaded to part with my factory AM unit from my '67. Mine won't ever be original and I have no intentions of trying to maintain an "all original" appearance. (Sorry Purists)
I have no idea if it works but it is complete. PM me if interested.
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