Full Version: Military Chrysler engine
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I just picked this up this morning, I just can't turn anything down Chrysler. Like my Chrysler Sno-Runner, what the heck am I going to do with it.

Has anyone seen these before? Maybe it powered a generator or something.
Andy, the link was deleted because SOMEBODY bought it...
ws27 Wrote:Andy, the link was deleted because SOMEBODY bought it...
haha I was thinking it would do what ebay does and still show it OOOPs pics coming soon , go get some popcorn
Chrysler engine

Found info on it, I wonder what they used them for ? Maybe sump pumps
Maybe fuel transfer pumps?
Is the crank tapered? If so it most likely is for a generator.

Very cool and very serious small engine. I bet it will run with little effort.
Yes tapered shaft ,with ignition and intake sealed like it can run in the worst conditions . Maybe you need this Rich
For military, the ignition is considered radio suppression so it can't be picked up by the enemy, other than that I'm not too familiar. If you were closer, I'd consider it, maybe a good snow blower engine?